Business benefits and best practices of Microsoft SQL server
As data stores get bigger and bigger the process of analyzing such vast quantities of data becomes more and more challenging. A simple...

Can you handle your office?
The Microsoft office suite has been around for quite some time now. Microsoft Office, whether installed as a standalone set of apps or as...

Is Security+ Certification a Good Entry Level or Not?
You will find that Security+ certification is a very good entry point for an IT security career, but, again, it’s not a good entry point...

Instructor-led training.... still the best option?
In the learning process, nothing can truly replace the interactive experience with a live instructor. Instructor-led training (ILT),...

Your benefit with PURE IT Academy
PURE IT ACADEMY, your destination for IT Courses and everything related to career development for IT professionals. Have you experienced...

Goals within your career
Setting goals gives your life direction and is the process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your...

Put first things first | Personal Excellence
To live a more balanced existence, you have to recognize that not doing everything that comes along is okay. There's no need to...

Meeting business and employees' needs
In recent years, career development has seen a change in the way it is approached. Usually, it was up to an organization to ensure that...

Listen to THIS! Best advice for starting 2018
This year 2018 has started. Some people say that they had a great year 2017 and some not so great. But many of us become very...